hilang semua janji
semua mimpi-mimpi indah
hancur hati ini melihat semua ini
lenyap telah lenyap
kebahagiaan di hati
ku hanya bisa menangisi semua ini
hancur hati ini melihat kau telah pergi
langit menjadi gelap berkelabu
menyelimuti hatiku
mengubah seluruh hidupku
mengapa semua jadi begini
perpisahan yang terjadi
di antara kita berdua
ku akan menanti sebuah keajaiban
yang membuat kita bisa bersama kembali....
(cinderella sinetron punya lagu tema..really best and meaningful..:)
Heart YOu..:)


Friends forever:)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
let it go
terasa seperti baru semalam,
benda yang paling berharga ,
hilang dalam sekelip mata....
i sank to the bottom..
felt like i got a big slap over my cheek...
the hardest part in my life...
it should not end up like this...
please do make me feel and breath like before..:'(
because i dont want
my past haunted me and drowning my present...
pull me back to your track ya Allah..:"(
benda yang paling berharga ,
hilang dalam sekelip mata....
i sank to the bottom..
felt like i got a big slap over my cheek...
the hardest part in my life...
it should not end up like this...
please do make me feel and breath like before..:'(
because i dont want
my past haunted me and drowning my present...
pull me back to your track ya Allah..:"(
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
CHANGE is never that easy..we fight to hold on and we fight to let go..
I felt really grateful and Alhamdulillah, i've began to learn, how to whisper praise and thank you to Allah, for every single sincere smile that curved around my lips and grateful tears from my eyes..thank you ALLAH for the stormy before which teach me a lot of hardship yet make me grateful and i know it cant rain forever..:")...sooner or later the rainbow appear too..:)
FOR THE SAKE OF ISLAM...i'm sincerely change towards HIM..
i've learned so many hardness throughout the journey of my life, i wish i could be a baby once again who are free from any sins and then i wish to colour my life beautifully and would not let any one destroy the beautiful life of mine..how hard,sad n guilty it is when think about the previous moment in my life which i didnt remember that ALLAH is watching every steps i take,every move i make..even when im not saying or done it..ALLAH know what i have in my heart....
THANK YOU coz even it is almost 20years my path towards You...i'm not going astray...:")
but yet..Ya Allah, i am not your most faithful servant, i commit sins yet I tell people not to,forgive me and strengthen my Imaan..:"(
love ERIN..:)
each day is a give from Allah for HIS servant,be grateful:)..Alhamdulillah...
Monday, September 19, 2011
study..study..study...cuci..cuci..cuci... =)
really tired today...whole day baca ETR, then my eyes just cant stand of looking at all sampah around the room, infront, at the back..toilet....sup lipas!!! so ive clean it all up..cuci2.... wow...bersihnya.. tapi kejap ja tu...
p/s owner of sup lipas, i wont wash ur sup ok!!!
rite now!!!
(>_<)v lya..
Saturday, September 17, 2011
yay..EXAM corner..:)
okay,finally it comes again..
EXAM to kill..
but i only have 3 papers this semester..
even though its only three ...but its the killler paper okay esp bio310,chm301 n csc 317..aiyo..
it means all la kan..:))
however i will go all out..n then fly back to sabah again on 13oct..:)
cant wait to go home..hehe..^^
and to LIA..goodluck^^
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Ya Allah,
Jadikanlah cahaya di hatiku,
Cahaya di lidahku,
Cahaya di pendengaranku,
Cahaya di penglihatanku,
Cahaya dari belakangku,
Cahaya di hadapanku,
Cahaya dari atasku,
Dan cahaya dari bawahku.
Ya Allah, berilah aku cahaya. Amin.
~ Riwayat al-Bukhari ~
Thursday, September 8, 2011
there was once when you're heart
until someone make it....it full with THORNS and BUSHES...
but when the time comes...
i do hope someone will kill and destroy away all the thorns..and start to plant up such a BEAUTIFUL GARDEN.....^^
till PARADISE..:)....
until someone make it....it full with THORNS and BUSHES...
but when the time comes...
i do hope someone will kill and destroy away all the thorns..and start to plant up such a BEAUTIFUL GARDEN.....^^
till PARADISE..:)....
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's really painful to say goodbye
to someone that you don't want to let go
but its even more painful to ask
someone to stay if they never wanted to stay.
You didn't intentionally break my heart,
you even said you were sorry,
but I cried anyway...
I know the truth that you're too scared to admit,
that you're with her,
scared to admit that you love her...
scared to admit that you love her...
but when you look at me,
you can't even remember her.......
please don't do this to me...i'm exploded inside..:"(
please don't do this to me...i'm exploded inside..:"(
You asked me what was wrong,
I smiled and said nothing,
when you turned around and a tear came down
I whispered to myself...
Monday, September 5, 2011
its hurt:'(
i never thought it gonna be this hurt..
when i look at it.
it hurts me even more..
tears falling down..
its like a rain which i cant hold it to stop..
there's a hole in my heart...
pliz glue it back..;'(
when i look at it.
it hurts me even more..
tears falling down..
its like a rain which i cant hold it to stop..
there's a hole in my heart...
pliz glue it back..;'(
Sunday, September 4, 2011
what should i do to you...
i have no idea to do the
what should i do to you...
i have no idea to do the
cuti sudah habis
tomorrow we will be going back to our beloved UNIKOP...:")..even though it might sound sad..indeed,it is crucial to know that, it is my responsibilities...:)..so there's no need to argue,sigh or hate it..
and today already 6 syawal...SALAM 6 SYAWAL...
i was so happy during this 2011 raya..not becoz of the duit raya or the foods..but of course becoz i can gather with all my family members...which makes me felt really grateful and thankful to Allah..amin ya Allah..:')..even its only 6days but the memories i will treasure it forever..
di sini sy selitkan beberapa gambar..:))
sungguh bahagia perasaan ini..:))
tawau airport..mau balik KL sudah saya ni time...;'(
last but not least
maaf zahir batin..:)
Make up only make you beauty outside and surely not inside..
if only
we can eat the make up and make our self beauty in the inside..
hehe..of course not..
but i
wish we could:(....gilasudahbakaunierin
some of my friends said that..
"air wudhu saja sudah cukup buat muka berseri2"
and i just
SMILE n keep on SMILING..
ya..eagerly believe it..:)
this quotes strongly support my statement above right..:)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Allah, test me with this sickness..yet. I'm grateful. At least i am the chosen one to be test by Him, and that makes me become more strong and know that Allah really care for me...:')
Alhamdulillah :)
Alhamdulillah :)
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