Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm Juz A Practical Student

Posted by ReenLysa at 6:52 PM
today, is my 6th day of practical..and to tell the truth its really boring there...there is no work for me to do...yah, people owez think if we dont have any work, datz great but not for me...juz sitting at the chair looking round and round, read newspaper..there is some work they gave it to me but i've finished it...so as in my log book, i will write no work...haish... (-_-)"  
p/s bagus pergi kelas dari pergi practical...miss unikop...hahaha

Erin...ari jumaat tadi aku ada dinner dgn pejabat aku practical ni...so that night ada lucky draw...and guess what, its really my luck dat night..i've got the grand prize and that is a dvd home theather...hahaha and jadi topik perbualan org ofis da..."how come she just got in for 5 day practical and she got the big prize rather than us that hav been work for years" OMG....haha well, it juz my luck...kihkih =)


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