Wednesday, April 13, 2011

what you should eat during exam..:)

Posted by ReenLysa at 6:01 PM

 Expert advice 10 best advice

How do you put up a program that provides energy to a decent effort before and during the exam?
It’s almost exam, and for many students it means an intensification of the number of reading hours. This of course wreaks havoc on the brain and therefore concentration.
As many have experienced me, is a lot of the key to optimum performance in a proper diet. Common perceptions are that the coffee and sugar is what it takes to keep you focused effort by month, but the expert we have talked with, Ann-Kristine Rolland at Felon Lindberg’s clinic, the examination readers differently.
Here are her top 10 tips for diet before and during the examination.

1. Get up in enough calories

To get the energy to read the exam, you need mental energy, in other words not only energy in the form of calories. For the body and especially the brain to function optimally it must be supplied to the building blocks it needs to perform.

2. Do not eat only candy

Tips for a snack:
• 2 cups milk natural Bitola
• 1-2dl fresh or frozen berries
• ½ banana
• 1 tablespoon crushed flax seed mixes in the blender.
Food should be avoided during this period is the food like many resort to the easiest, as sugary drinks, candy, cakes and buns. This is food that leads to poor concentration, because it leads to unstable blood sugar. The brain needs constant supply of energy; this gives you the best by a diet that provides for stable blood sugar and no food for quick blood sugar rise which then leads to a rapid drop in blood sugar.

3. Choose a balanced diet

A fall in blood sugar gives us the feeling of fatigue and then often a lack of concentration. For the food to give profits should most meals consist of about 1 / 3 protein foods (fish, meat, poultry, eggs, low fat dairy products) and approx. 2 / 3 of lavglykemiske foods (legumes, vegetables, coarse grains, fruit and berries). And a small percentage of good fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil.

4. Eat regularly

Eat regularly, about every 3-4 hours, and not at least start the day with a nutritious breakfast for a good start.

5. Take vitamins

Tips for breakfast:
Oatmeal with cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, some chopped banana and cinnamon.
• Boil the oatmeal (with water or milk) and stir in sunflower seeds and banana. Sprinkle cinnamon over.
• Omelet and bread. Make omelet of 2-3 eggs, server along with a rough slice of bread and some salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.)
The brain needs a high intake of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids; because 60% of the brains dry weight consists of fat and about. Half of this to be the omega 3 Omega 3 must be supplied via the diet, and then we cannot produce these fatty acids themselves. The same applies to the omega 6, but the modern diet usually has too much omega 6 and too little omega 3: The most effective form of omega we get from oily fish and cod liver oil.

6. Get enough sleep

Do you need to stay awake at night, the same principles as above? The best course is to have the most profit for the day to get the best possible reading and using the night to what you need most, sleep.

7. Drink enough water!

Tips for correct order:
• Meats boiled or fried eggs and / or fish toppings such as smoked salmon.
• Some nut toppings like organic peanut or almond butter can also be good (they contain no added sugar).
• Another variant might be to make an omelet to take, or eat natural yoghurt with fruit and nuts.
The best drink is only water, it is important to drink steadily through the day, lack of fluids can make you both dehydrated and tired. A cup of coffee or two is fine, but do not use coffee to stay awake. Coffee may seem a little similar to sugar; it gives you a boost, and then gives you an energy drop for a while after. Most importantly, frequent meals that are properly balanced. If you do not have time to cook in the busy period of study, a smoothie or protein shake be a good option in between meals.

8. Do not use dextrose

Dietary supplements / tablets such as Dextrose will have a positive effect on reading exam. Dextrose, however, will have a negative effect when it leads to unstable blood sugar. However, fish oil or omega 3 capsules is useful to take regularly if you do not eat oily fish, but it helps not to take this only on exam day.

9. Do not eat sweets during the exam

On exam day, it’s easy to think that candy and soda is what you need to stay awake and ready to head on exam day. But the best is to give your body steady supply of food that produces a surplus. This could be a few rough pieces of bread together with protein-rich toppings.

10. Eat nuts and fruit

It might be nice to have a snack meal in addition to the food package, such as nuts or almonds, often combined with fruit or dried fruit.


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